Trademark Registration & Deregistration |
A trademark can be figurative element, words, personal names, designs, characters, numerals, letters, sounds, smells, colours, good's shape or their packaging or any combination of these. |
Our Fee:
Single Class: $5,000 whole fee with disbursements (first class of goods/ services, including government fee)
Additional Class: HK$1,000 (for each additional class of goods/ services, and not suitable for a defensive mark)
A Hong Kong limited company (including dormant company) can be deregistered in accordance with S291AA of the Companies Ordinance subject to the following conditions:
The company have not commenced its business or the business has been closed three months before the application of the deregistration; and
the Company does not have any outstanding liabilities.
We provide comprehensive services on company deregistration including drafting company's minutes and respective forms and documents, minutes, application for a notice of no objection for de-registration and filing the application for the company de-registration to Company Registry. |
Tel: |
(852) 2396 9141 |
Fax: |
(852) 2789 3362 |
Address: |
Flat B, 7/F., European Asian |
Bank Bldg;749 nathan Road, Mongkok, Kowloon. |